Wilson Advisors

Wilson Advisors provides the following general services to our clients:

Serving as CEO/President of an underperforming company or organization.

  • Provided the leadership to increase revenues over 207% and profits 300% for a residual fuel oil storage service provider.

Providing commercial expertise in the upstream and midstream energy areas.

  • Conducted comprehensive market assessments that included competitive analysis and detailed benchmarking (wellhead-to-wellhead, general market, peers, etc.) for an upstream producer.
  • Provided guidance on fully capturing value from gathering and storage assets that were underutilized for an upstream company.
  • Developed a comprehensive business plan for a start-up exploration and production company.

Providing expertise in the area of risk management and energy hedging.

  • Assessed a company's risk management program within the context of the company's business philosophy, risk appetite, and financial needs. This included a comprehensive assessment of policy, procedures, and guidelines that also addressed newly implemented accounting standards (FASB 133, etc.).

Providing expert testimony in the area of wholesale hydrocarbon marketing.

  • Provided expert testimony in wholesale gas marketing for the Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee.

Serving as an independent board member of a public or private energy company.

  • Currently serving as a board member of a crude oil storage company.

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